Filing a complaint:

constructive action to highlight
a problematic situation


The right to receive quality care

When it comes to health, the law gives you some rights such as receiving quality care.

Quality care is care given in a scientifically, humanly and socially adequate manner and given in a continuous, personalized and safe manner.

What does adequately mean?

On a scientific level, this means that the services must reduce the impacts or solve the health problems of the person.

On a human and social level, this means that the services must be respectful of the rights of the person and their needs.

They must ultimately be safe or given in a way that ensures the safety of the person receiving them.

Other quality criteria

This implies that the services must be provided continuously, without any break in service, according to the person needs.

This implies that the services must respond correctly to the specific needs of the person and adapt when the needs change.

This implies that the services are given in such a way as to ensure the safety of the person receiving them.


Martin has intellectual limitations and is grieving

Usually, Martin does not have behavioral problems. That said, since his uncle's death, his pivot nurse has noticed changes in the way he acts. He has aggressive reactions and a sullen mood.

To offer him full support and quality services, the nurse listens to Martin's needs. She refers him to a resource that can help him overcome his bereavement and educates those involved in the difficulties he is going through.

Following an operation on her elbow, Stephany sees her leave signed too soon

After her surgery, while she is still very affected by the anesthesia, Stephany finds herself alone in a wheelchair, in the hallway, after being discharged. She is vomiting and her spouse has not arrived. Since her operation was done late in the day, she was suppoed to stay in the hospital until the next day. But the lack of a bed hastened her departure.

Stephany's general condition should have been taken into account and a bed found in order to provide her with care adapted to her needs.

Next time the quality of care you receive does not meet these criteria, let it be know! It is your right.

useful links

Prévention suicide:

Ligne d’intervention auprès des personnes suicidaires ou de leurs proches.

SOS Violence conjugale: 1 800 363-9010

Service d’accueil, d’évaluation, d’information, de sensibilisation, de soutien et de référence aux victimes de violence conjugale et leurs proches.

Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec : 1 888 528-7741

Les demandes d’accès au dossier médical ne font pas partie du mandat du CAAP – Laval.

Commission des droits de la personne: 1 800 361-6477

Si vous êtes victime d’exploitation ou si vous croyez qu’un proche en subit.

Le Barreau du Québec

Ligne agression sexuelle: 1 888 933-9007

Ligne d’écoute, d’information et de référence destinée aux victimes d’agression sexuelle et leurs proches.

DIRA Laval: 450 681-8813

Service d’accueil et d’accompagnement pour les personnes de 50 ans et plus victimes d’abus, de violence ou de négligence.

Ligne Aide Abus Aînés: 1 888 489-2287

Ligne d’aide destinée aux aînés qui subissent des abus ou à leurs proches.

Ministère de la Justice
