Filing a complaint:

constructive action to highlight
a problematic situation


The right to be informed

When it comes to health, the law gives you some rights.

One of them is the right to receive relevant information to make an informed decision about your care.

You have the right to have some informations about:

  • the services and resources available in your area;
  • how to get access to these services and resources;
  • your mental and physical state;
  • different available options (care, treatments, services, etc);
  • risks and consequences about these options you were proposed;
  • any impact while receiving services, consequences on your health and the step taken to prevent it happening again.

The purpose of these informations is to allow you to make the right decision and allow you to receive adapted care and services.


You have knee problems and the doctor suggest surgery

He needs to explain to you:

  • the reason why you need surgery;
  • all the possible treatments you may need;
  • surgery details;
  • how to prepare for surgery;
  • possible complications after surgery.

Your husband is in a nursing home and fell during the night

You need to know:

  • what happened and where;
  • the care your husband received after he fell;
  • the impact from the fall on your husband's health;
  • what will be done to prevent that in the future.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate.
It's your right!

useful links

Prévention suicide:

Ligne d’intervention auprès des personnes suicidaires ou de leurs proches.

SOS Violence conjugale: 1 800 363-9010

Service d’accueil, d’évaluation, d’information, de sensibilisation, de soutien et de référence aux victimes de violence conjugale et leurs proches.

Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec : 1 888 528-7741

Les demandes d’accès au dossier médical ne font pas partie du mandat du CAAP – Laval.

Commission des droits de la personne: 1 800 361-6477

Si vous êtes victime d’exploitation ou si vous croyez qu’un proche en subit.

Le Barreau du Québec

Ligne agression sexuelle: 1 888 933-9007

Ligne d’écoute, d’information et de référence destinée aux victimes d’agression sexuelle et leurs proches.

DIRA Laval: 450 681-8813

Service d’accueil et d’accompagnement pour les personnes de 50 ans et plus victimes d’abus, de violence ou de négligence.

Ligne Aide Abus Aînés: 1 888 489-2287

Ligne d’aide destinée aux aînés qui subissent des abus ou à leurs proches.

Ministère de la Justice
