Filing a complaint:

constructive action to highlight
a problematic situation



Many Health and Social Service users are not aware of how our services are offered at the CAAP – Laval, including the various stages that lead to sending a complaint to a Health and Social Service institution. The following is an outline for a request to our organization.


PDF How does the accompaniment work at CAAP – Laval



Our first concern is to make sure that your request falls within our mandate.  If this is not the case, we refer you to the right place without delay.

If your demand is in line with our mandate, we inform you on how to process your complaint and the limits of the complaint examination system.  Then, it's up to you to determine the level of assistance you would like to receive from us.


Through the complaint process, you can choose to:

    Use us as a resource when needed;

      Write your complaint and work on it through our collaboration;

        Ask us to prepare a first draft of your complaint.

Filing a complaint: a constructive gesture to improve the quality of health and social services


The writing assistance is one of the most  used services appreciated by our users.  Our goal is to put your story in writing, respecting your perceptions, your vocabulary and your expectations.

To achieve this, we take the necessary time to listen to your story in detail.  The interview can be done in person or by telephone which ever suits you best.  Following the interview, we prepare a first draft.  We work in collaboration with you, making the necessary adjustments for the complaint to truly reflect what you experienced.  When the complaint is to your satisfaction, you  must sign it before sending it to the Complaint Commissioner.


No action will be put forward by the CAAP - Laval, without your permission. You can always stop using our services whether or not you continue your complaint process with the Health or Social Service institution involved. Your request to keep us informed or provide a copy of your documents is also optional and can be revoked at any tine. 

Whatever happens, the choice is yours.

Our services are always free, bilingual and confidential

useful links

Prévention suicide:

Ligne d’intervention auprès des personnes suicidaires ou de leurs proches.

SOS Violence conjugale: 1 800 363-9010

Service d’accueil, d’évaluation, d’information, de sensibilisation, de soutien et de référence aux victimes de violence conjugale et leurs proches.

Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec : 1 888 528-7741

Les demandes d’accès au dossier médical ne font pas partie du mandat du CAAP – Laval.

Commission des droits de la personne: 1 800 361-6477

Si vous êtes victime d’exploitation ou si vous croyez qu’un proche en subit.

Le Barreau du Québec

Ligne agression sexuelle: 1 888 933-9007

Ligne d’écoute, d’information et de référence destinée aux victimes d’agression sexuelle et leurs proches.

DIRA Laval: 450 681-8813

Service d’accueil et d’accompagnement pour les personnes de 50 ans et plus victimes d’abus, de violence ou de négligence.

Ligne Aide Abus Aînés: 1 888 489-2287

Ligne d’aide destinée aux aînés qui subissent des abus ou à leurs proches.

Ministère de la Justice
